Photo of Carlos Diaz Copado United States

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Born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, in 1974.
With autodidactic education, he has admiration for the books, painters and museums which have an important influence on his work.
He showed his paintings for the first time in 1996, as part of a collective exhibition in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Watercolor is the technique that he uses most, alternating this with acrylic on canvas, and mixed on paper.



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Photo of Carlos Diaz Copado United States

Born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, in 1974.
With autodidactic education, he has admiration for the books, painters and museums which have an important influence on his work.
He showed his paintings for the first time in 1996, as part of a collective exhibition in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Watercolor is the technique that he uses most, alternating this with acrylic on canvas, and mixed on paper.


Oct. 1996. Collective. “Arte Joven de Jalisco” Sol de Barro Cafe Gallery. Guadalajara, Mexico.
Sep. 1997. Collective. “Expo Carambola 97” in Club Deportivo Jalisciense, A.C. Guadalajara, Mexico.
Sep. 1997. Collective. “Márgenes Tapatíos” in Social-Urban Studies Department. Universidad de Guadalajara. Guadalajara, Mexico.
Dec. 1997. Collective. “Alternativas Plásticas de Jalisco 97” in Ex convento del Carmen Gallery. Secretaria de Cultura del Edo. de Jalisco. Guadalajara, Mexico.
Apr. 1998. Individual. “Azul Ultra” in Casa de las Palabras y las Imágenes Gallery. Universidad de Guadalajara. Guadalajara, Mexico.
Jun. 1998. Collective. “Al toro por los Cuernos” in Sergio Bustamante Gallery. Tlaquepaque, Mexico.
Sep. 1998. Collective. “Expresiones 98” Museum of Mariachi. Cocula, Mexico.
Sep. 1999. Collective. “Expresiones 99” Museum of Mariachi. Cocula, Mexico.
Jan. 2005. Individual. “Acuarelas” in VERSE Cafe Gallery. Arenal, Mexico.
Feb. 2005. Individual. “Arte Jalisciense” in Rectoría del Centro Univ. de La Ciénega, Universidad de Guadalajara, Ocotlán, Mexico.
Feb. 2005. Individual. “Arte Jalisciense” in Rectoría del Centro Univ. de la Costa, Universidad de Guadalajara, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
Mar. 2005. Individual in Secretaría General. Administrative Building. Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico.
May. 2005. Collective. “Caleidoscopio” in Centenario Cultural Centre. Guadalajara, Mexico.
Oct. 2005. Individual. “Pinturas” in Ministry of Culture of Jalisco Gallery, Guadalajara, Mexico.

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